Reading Round Up Book Club (Literacy Circle)
Maximum: six (6) youth in grades 4-6 to participate in our Pilot Program – Reading Round Up Book Club (Literacy Circle).
When: Five (5) consecutive Tuesdays beginning September 8 & ending October 5.
Time: 10:00 to 11:15 AM
Book: “The Adventures at the Short & Sweet Ranch” by Nadine Davies – living in Ravenna, Nebraska
Each youth will be be responsible for adding to the in-depth discussion of the book through various rotating: Discussion Director, Illustrator, Connector, Wordsmith, Summarizer & Investigator. The youth will also be interacting with the horses in a variety of activities (no riding) to reinforce learnings.
Cost: $60 Register and pre-pay on or before September 3rd
$75 Register on or after September 3rd
Fee includes the book but not a t-shirt. (No scholarships available.)
T-shirts will be available for $12 (our cost).
Payment can be made via Donation Page or sent to 3135 West 22nd Street, Kearney, NE 68845
Activities take place in an outdoor arena and activity shelter. In-climate weather – activities will be in the house.